177 citations to 10.4007/annals.2012.176.2.5 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Steven Dale Cutkosky, “A General Volume = Multiplicity Formula”, Acta Math Vietnam, 40, № 1, 2015, 139  crossref
  2. Sung Rak Choi, Jinhyung Park, Joonyeong Won, “Okounkov Bodies Associated to Pseudoeffective Divisors II”, Taiwanese J. Math., 21, № 3, 2017  crossref
  3. L. Bossinger, G. Fourier, “String cone and superpotential combinatorics for flag and Schubert varieties in type A”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 167, 2019, 213  crossref
  4. Leonid Monin, “Overdetermined systems of equations on toric, spherical, and other algebraic varieties”, Advances in Mathematics, 369, 2020, 107147  crossref
  5. Lara Bossinger, Bosco Frías-Medina, Timothy Magee, Alfredo Nájera Chávez, “Toric degenerations of cluster varieties and cluster duality”, Compositio Math., 156, № 10, 2020, 2149  crossref
  6. Catriona Maclean, “Approximable Algebras as Subalgebras of Section Rings”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022, № 1, 2022, 171  crossref
  7. Sung-Yeon Kim, Dmitri Zaitsev, “Triangular resolutions and effectiveness for holomorphic subelliptic multipliers”, Advances in Mathematics, 387, 2021, 107803  crossref
  8. Steven Dale Cutkosky, Hema Srinivasan, Commutative Algebra, 2021, 299  crossref
  9. Sung Rak Choi, Yoonsuk Hyun, Jinhyung Park, Joonyeong Won, “Asymptotic base loci via Okounkov bodies”, Advances in Mathematics, 323, 2018, 784  crossref
  10. Tianran Chen, Robert Davis, Dhagash Mehta, “Counting Equilibria of the Kuramoto Model Using Birationally Invariant Intersection Index”, SIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geometry, 2, № 4, 2018, 489  crossref