9 citations to 10.1134/S1063776109100033 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. S. N. Molotkov, “On a solution to the problem of ensuring the security of quantum cryptography for an infinite communication channel”, Jetp Lett., 93, № 12, 2011, 747  crossref
  2. S. N. Molotkov, “On geometrically uniform states in quantum cryptography”, Jetp Lett., 95, № 6, 2012, 332  crossref
  3. S. N. Molotkov, “Entropy uncertainty relations and stability of phase-temporal quantum cryptography with finite-length transmitted strings”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 115, № 6, 2012, 969  crossref
  4. S N Molotkov, T A Potapova, “Free space relativistic quantum cryptography with faint laser pulses”, Laser Phys. Lett., 10, № 7, 2013, 075205  crossref
  5. S. N. Molotkov, “On the vulnerability of basic quantum key distribution protocols and three protocols stable to attack with “blinding” of avalanche photodetectors”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 114, № 5, 2012, 707  crossref
  6. D. A. Kronberg, “Vulnerability of quantum cryptography with phase–time coding under attenuation conditions”, Theor Math Phys, 214, № 1, 2023, 121  crossref
  7. Dmitry Anatolevich Kronberg, “Уязвимость квантовой криптографии с фазово-временны́м кодированием в условиях затухания”, Теоретическая и математическая физика, 214, № 1, 2023, 140  crossref
  8. S. N. Molotkov, “Quantum key distribution with a reference quantum state”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 113, № 5, 2011, 743  crossref
  9. Dmitry Anatolevich Kronberg, “New methods of error correction in quantum cryptography using low-density parity-check codes”, Математические вопросы криптографии, 8, № 2, 2017, 77  crossref