9 citations to 10.1134/S0374064116010052; 10.1134/S0012266116010055 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Мария Викторовна Коровина, Maria Viktorovna Korovina, Владимир Юрьевич Смирнов, V Yu Smirnov, “Метод повторного квантования и его применение к построению асимптотик решений уравнений нефуксова типа с голоморфными коэффициентами”, Итоги науки и техники. Серия «Современная математика и ее приложения. Тематические обзоры», 173, 2019, 72  crossref
  2. Maria Korovina, “Asymptotics of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Holomorphic Coefficients in the Neighborhood of an Infinitely Distant Point”, Mathematics, 8, № 12, 2020, 2249  crossref
  3. Maria Korovina, Ilya Smirnov, Vladimir Smirnov, “On a Problem Arising in Application of the Re-Quantization Method to Construct Asymptotics of Solutions to Linear Differential Equations with Holomorphic Coefficients at Infinity”, MCA, 24, № 1, 2019, 16  crossref
  4. Hovik A. Matevossian, “Asymptotics and Uniqueness of Solutions of the Elasticity System with the Mixed Dirichlet–Robin Boundary Conditions”, Mathematics, 8, № 12, 2020, 2241  crossref
  5. Maria V. Korovina, Vladimir Yu. Smirnov, 130, Developments and Novel Approaches in Nonlinear Solid Body Mechanics, 2020, 17  crossref
  6. M. V. Korovina, “Uniform Asymptotics of Solutions to Linear Differential Equations with Holomorphic Coefficients in the Neighborhood of an Infinitely”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44, № 7, 2023, 2765  crossref
  7. M. V. Korovina, V. Yu. Smirnov, “Construction of Asymptotics of Solutions of Differential Equations with Cusp-Type Degeneration in the Coefficients in the Case of Multiple Roots of the Highest-Order Symbol”, Diff Equat, 54, № 1, 2018, 28  crossref
  8. M. V. Korovina, V. Yu. Smirnov, “Derivation of Asymptotics of Partial Differential Equations in a Neighborhood of Irregular Singular Points”, Lobachevskii J Math, 42, № 1, 2021, 148  crossref
  9. M. V. Korovina, H. A. Matevossian, I. N. Smirnov, “Asymptotics of Solutions to a Third-Order Equation in a Neighborhood of an Irregular Singular Point”, Sib Math J, 65, № 4, 2024, 921  crossref