58 citations to 10.1007/978-3-662-03066-0_1 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. M. Castrillón López, P. M. Gadea, A. F. Swann, “Homogeneous structures on real and complex hyperbolic spaces”, Illinois J. Math., 53, № 2, 2009  crossref
  2. V. V. Gorbatsevich, “Isomorphism and Diffeomorphism of Semisimple Lie Groups”, Russ Math., 66, № 3, 2022, 1  crossref
  3. R. Ib��ez, J. Kedra, Yu. Rudyak, A. Tralle, “On fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds”, Math. Z., 248, № 4, 2004, 805  crossref
  4. Nobuo Tsuchiya, Aiko Yamakawa, “Lattices of some solvable Lie groups and actions of products of affine groups”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 61, № 3, 2009  crossref
  5. M. Hazewinkel, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, 1989, 344  crossref
  6. Hironao Kato, “Left invariant flat projective structures on Lie groups and prehomogeneous vector spaces”, Hiroshima Math. J., 42, № 1, 2012  crossref
  7. Misha Verbitsky, “Mapping class group and a global Torelli theorem for hyperkähler manifolds”, Duke Math. J., 162, № 15, 2013  crossref
  8. Dmitri I. Panyushev, “Abelian ideals and amazing roots”, Int. J. Math., 28, № 14, 2017, 1750105  crossref
  9. Ákos K. Matszangosz, “On the cohomology rings of real flag manifolds: Schubert cycles”, Math. Ann., 381, № 3-4, 2021, 1537  crossref
  10. Dmitrii Vladimirovich Alekseevskii, Mikhail V Belolipetsky, Semen Grigor'evich Gindikin, Victor Gershevich Kac, Dmitri Ivanovich Panyushev, Dmitry Andreevich Timashev, Osip Vladimirovich Schwarzman, Alexander Grigorievich Elashvili, Oksana Sergeevna Yakimova, “Эрнест Борисович Винберг (некролог)”, Успехи математических наук, 76, № 6(462), 2021, 181  crossref