8 citations to 10.29003/m682.MMMSEC-2019 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. P. A. Sechenykh, “Mathematical Modeling of the Metrical Parameters of Hexagonal Closely Packed Metals”, Russ Microelectron, 52, № 8, 2023, 782  crossref
  2. A. A. Zatsarinnyy, K. K. Abgaryan, “The Relevance of the Problem of Synthesis of New Materials in Conditions of Innovative Industrial Development”, Russ Microelectron, 52, № 8, 2023, 810  crossref
  3. A. A. Zatsarinny, K. K. Abgaryan, “Factors Determining the Relevance of Creating a Research Infrastructure for Synthesizing New Materials in Implementing the Priorities of Scientific and Technological Development of Russia”, Russ Microelectron, 49, № 8, 2020, 600  crossref
  4. S. A. Denisov, K. I. Volovich, V. A. Kondrashev, “Experience of FRC CSC RAS in providing high-performance computing cloud services for materials science problems”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Mater. èlektron. teh., 23, № 4, 2021, 311  crossref
  5. A. A. Zatsarinny, K. K. Abgaryan, “Factors determining the relevance of creation research infrastructure for the synthesis of new materials in the framework of the implementation of the priorities of scientific and technological development of Russia”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Mater. èlektron. teh., 22, № 4, 2020, 298  crossref
  6. A. A. Zatsarinnyy, K. K. Abgaryan, “Current problems of creation of research infrastructure for synthesis of new materials in the framework of the digital transformation of society”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Mater. èlektron. teh., 23, № 4, 2021, 270  crossref
  7. P. A. Sechenykh, “Mathematical modeling of the metrical parameters of hexagonal close-packed metalls”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Mater. èlektron. teh., 25, № 4, 2023, 283  crossref
  8. K. I. Volovich, “Estimation of the workload of a hybrid computing cluster when performing modeling tasks in materials science”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Mater. èlektron. teh., 23, № 4, 2021, 289  crossref