35 citations to 10.1007/s00029-018-0389-z (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yutaka Matsuo, Satoshi Nawata, Go Noshita, Rui-Dong Zhu, “Quantum toroidal algebras and solvable structures in gauge/string theory”, Physics Reports, 1055, 2024, 1  crossref
  2. Thomas Creutzig, Naoki Genra, Shigenori Nakatsuka, “Duality of subregular W-algebras and principal W-superalgebras”, Advances in Mathematics, 383, 2021, 107685  crossref
  3. Alexey Litvinov, Ilya Vilkoviskiy, “Integrable structure of BCD conformal field theory and boundary Bethe ansatz for affine Yangian”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2021, № 8, 2021, 141  crossref
  4. Boris Feigin, Michio Jimbo, Evgeny Mukhin, 337, Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification, 2021, 393  crossref
  5. Miroslav Rapčák, Yan Soibelman, Yaping Yang, Gufang Zhao, “Cohomological Hall Algebras, Vertex Algebras and Instantons”, Commun. Math. Phys., 376, № 3, 2020, 1803  crossref
  6. A. V. Litvinov, “Integrable $\mathfrak{gl}$(n|n) Toda Field Theory and Its Sigma-Model Dual”, Jetp Lett., 110, № 11, 2019, 707  crossref
  7. Mikhail Alfimov, Boris Feigin, Ben Hoare, Alexey Litvinov, “Dual description of η-deformed OSP sigma models”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2020, № 12, 2020, 40  crossref
  8. Yegor Zenkevich, “Mixed network calculus”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2021, № 12, 2021, 27  crossref
  9. Wei Li, Masahito Yamazaki, “Quiver Yangian from crystal melting”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2020, № 11, 2020, 35  crossref
  10. Thomas Creutzig, Yasuaki Hikida, “Correlator correspondences for Gaiotto-Rapčák dualities and first order formulation of coset models”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2021, № 12, 2021, 144  crossref