60 citations to 10.1090/gsm/056 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Иджад Хакович Сабитов, Idzhad Khakovich Sabitov, “Алгебраические методы решения многогранников”, УМН, 66, № 3, 2011, 3  crossref
  2. Anton A. Klyachko, Veronika Yu. Miroshnichenko, Alexander Yu. Olshanskii, “Finite and nilpotent strongly verbally closed groups”, J. Algebra Appl., 22, № 09, 2023, 2350188  crossref
  3. Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Barak Fishbain, Eilyan Bitar, David Mahalel, Per-Olof Gutman, “Dynamic Model for estimating the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram**This research was supported in part by the Ruch collaboration grant through the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute. The first author thanks the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation and the Technion Zeff fellowship. The second author acknowledges the fundings of the Glasberg-Klein, the NY Metropolitan Research Foundations, the Israeli Environmental and Health Foundation and The Technion Center of Excellence in Exposure Science for their partial financial support to this research.”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49, № 3, 2016, 297  crossref
  4. Elena K. Brusyanskaya, Anton A. Klyachko, Andrey V. Vasil’ev, “What do Frobenius’s, Solomon’s, and Iwasaki’s theorems on divisibility in groups have in common ?”, Pacific J. Math., 302, № 2, 2019, 437  crossref
  5. Lin Tie, Kai-Yuan Cai, Yan Lin, “On Uncontrollable Discrete-Time Bilinear Systems Which are “Nearly” Controllable”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 55, № 12, 2010, 2853  crossref
  6. Sela Fried, “The Minimal Sum of Squares Over Partitions with a Nonnegative Rank”, Ann. Comb., 27, № 4, 2023, 781  crossref
  7. Andrey Levin, Alexander Varchenko, Configuration Spaces, 2012, 373  crossref
  8. A. Oblakova, A. Al Hanbali, R. J. Boucherie, J. C. W. van Ommeren, W. H. M. Zijm, “An exact root-free method for the expected queue length for a class of discrete-time queueing systems”, Queueing Syst, 92, № 3-4, 2019, 257  crossref
  9. O. V. Sholokhov, “Minimum-volume ellipsoidal approximation of the sum of two ellipsoids”, Cybern Syst Anal, 47, № 6, 2011, 954  crossref
  10. Yunong Zhang, Zhiyuan Qi, Jian Li, Binbin Qiu, Min Yang, “Stepsize domain confirmation and optimum of ZeaD formula for future optimization”, Numer Algor, 81, № 2, 2019, 561  crossref