5 citations to 10.1016/j.tpb.2010.06.008 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Grégoire Véchambre, “Combinatorics of ancestral lines for a Wright–Fisher diffusion with selection in a Lévy environment”, Ann. Appl. Probab., 33, № 6A, 2023  crossref
  2. Casimiro Corbacho, Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota, Alfonso Ramos, “Birth–death branching models. Application to African elephant populations”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 332, 2013, 108  crossref
  3. Tommaso Lorenzi, Alexander Lorz, Giorgio Restori, “Asymptotic Dynamics in Populations Structured by Sensitivity to Global Warming and Habitat Shrinking”, Acta Appl Math, 131, № 1, 2014, 49  crossref
  4. Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota, Alfonso Ramos, “Stochastic modeling in biological populations with sexual reproduction through branching models: Application to Coho salmon populations”, Mathematical Biosciences, 258, 2014, 182  crossref
  5. Fernando Cordero, Grégoire Véchambre, “Moran models and Wright–Fisher diffusions with selection and mutation in a one-sided random environment”, Adv. Appl. Probab., 55, № 3, 2023, 701  crossref