69 citations to 10.1016/j.automatica.2018.04.024 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Christophe Labar, Christian Ebenbauer, Lorenzo Marconi, “Extremum Seeking With Intermittent Measurements: A Lie-Brackets Approach”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 67, № 12, 2022, 6968  crossref
  2. Raik Suttner, “Nonsmooth optimization by Lie bracket approximations into random directions”, Systems & Control Letters, 174, 2023, 105481  crossref
  3. O. Romero, M. Benosman, “Robust Time-Varying Continuous-Time Optimization with Pre-Defined Finite-Time Stability”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53, № 2, 2020, 6743  crossref
  4. Orlando Romero, Mouhacine Benosman, “Time-varying continuous-time optimisation with pre-defined finite-time stability”, International Journal of Control, 94, № 12, 2021, 3237  crossref
  5. Raik Suttner, Zhiyong Sun, “Formation Shape Control Based on Distance Measurements Using Lie Bracket Approximations”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 56, № 6, 2018, 4405  crossref
  6. Victoria Grushkovskaya, “Stability analysis of nonholonomic extremum seeking systems via Lie brackets approximations”, Proc Appl Math and Mech, 20, № 1, 2021, e202000024  crossref
  7. Victoria Grushkovskaya, Christian Ebenbauer, 2024 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2024, 131  crossref
  8. Victoria Grushkovskaya, Alexander Zuyev, “Design of Stabilizing Feedback Controllers for High-Order Nonholonomic Systems”, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., 8, 2024, 988  crossref
  9. Victoria Grushkovskaya, Christian Ebenbauer, “Step-Size Rules for Lie Bracket-Based Extremum Seeking With Asymptotic Convergence Guarantees”, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., 8, 2024, 1967  crossref