10 citations to 10.1007/s12220-010-9158-8 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Peter L. Polyakov, “Boundary Integral Formula for Harmonic Functions on Riemann Surfaces”, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 20, № 2, 2020, 235  crossref
  2. Carlos E. Kenig, Mikko Salo, Gunther Uhlmann, “Reconstructions from boundary measurements on admissible manifolds”, Inverse Problems & Imaging, 5, № 4, 2011, 859  crossref
  3. Gennadi M. Henkin, Peter L. Polyakov, “Explicit Hodge decomposition on Riemann surfaces”, Math. Z., 289, № 1-2, 2018, 711  crossref
  4. Vincent Michel, “The Two-Dimensional Inverse Conductivity Problem”, J Geom Anal, 30, № 3, 2020, 2776  crossref
  5. Pierre Albin, Colin Guillarmou, Leo Tzou, Gunther Uhlmann, “Inverse Boundary Problems for Systems in Two Dimensions”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14, № 6, 2013, 1551  crossref
  6. Gennadi M. Henkin, Peter L. Polyakov, “Explicit Hodge-Type Decomposition on Projective Complete Intersections”, J Geom Anal, 26, № 1, 2016, 672  crossref
  7. Xiaoming Tan, Genqian Liu, “Determining Lamé coefficients by the elastic Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on a Riemannian manifold”, Inverse Problems, 39, № 9, 2023, 095004  crossref
  8. Gennadi Henkin, Matteo Santacesaria, “Gel’fand–Calderón’s Inverse Problem for Anisotropic Conductivities on Bordered Surfaces in ℝ3”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2012, № 4, 2012, 781  crossref
  9. Gennadi M. Henkin, 296, Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology, 2012, 213  crossref
  10. Matti Lassas, Lauri Oksanen, “Inverse problem for the Riemannian wave equation with Dirichlet data and Neumann data on disjoint sets”, Duke Math. J., 163, № 6, 2014  crossref