60 citations to 10.1007/s002220050093 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Maximilian Kreuzer, Harald Skarke, “Calabi-Yau 4-folds and toric fibrations”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 26, № 3-4, 1998, 272  crossref
  2. Сабир Меджидович Гусейн-Заде, Sabir Medzhidovich Gusein-Zade, “Интегрирование по отношению к эйлеровой характеристике и его приложения”, УМН, 65, № 3, 2010, 5  crossref
  3. Christopher Borger, Andreas Kretschmer, Benjamin Nill, “Thin Polytopes: Lattice Polytopes With Vanishing Local h*-Polynomial”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024, № 7, 2024, 5619  crossref
  4. Lev A. Borisov, Zhan Li, “On Clifford double mirrors of toric complete intersections”, Advances in Mathematics, 328, 2018, 300  crossref
  5. Yang-Hui He, “Machine-learning mathematical structures”, Int. J. Data. Sc. Math. Sc., 01, № 01, 2023, 23  crossref
  6. Sandra Di Rocco, Christian Haase, Benjamin Nill, “A note on discrete mixed volume and Hodge–Deligne numbers”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 104, 2019, 1  crossref
  7. Manuel Blickle, Motivic Integration and its Interactions with Model Theory and Non-Archimedean Geometry, 2011, 189  crossref
  8. Volker Braun, Burt A Ovrut, Maximilian Kreuzer, Emanuel Scheidegger, “Worldsheet instantons and torsion curves. Part B: mirror symmetry”, J. High Energy Phys., 2007, № 10, 2007, 023  crossref
  9. Benjamin Nill, Jan Schepers, “Gorenstein polytopes and their stringy E-functions”, Math. Ann., 355, № 2, 2013, 457  crossref
  10. Patrick Jefferson, Manki Kim, “On the intermediate Jacobian of M5-branes”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2024, № 5, 2024, 180  crossref