48 citations to 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.042106 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, 2362, MIPT (PHYSTECH) - QUANT 2020, 2021, 060003  crossref
  2. A. N. Pechen’, “Some Mathematical Problems of Control of Quantum Systems”, J Math Sci, 241, № 2, 2019, 185  crossref
  3. Vadim N. Petruhanov, Alexander N. Pechen, “Quantum Control Landscapes for Generation of H and T Gates in an Open Qubit with Both Coherent and Environmental Drive”, Photonics, 10, № 11, 2023, 1200  crossref
  4. Oleg Vasilevich Morzhin, Alexander Nikolaevich Pechen, “О множествах достижимости и управляемости в задаче оптимального быстродействия для открытой двухуровневой квантовой системы”, Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова, 313, 2021, 161  crossref
  5. S. A. Kuznetsov, A. N. Pechen, “On Controllability of a Highly Degenerate Four-Level Quantum System with a ‘‘Chained’’ Coupling Hamiltonian”, Lobachevskii J Math, 43, № 7, 2022, 1683  crossref
  6. L. C. Wang, X. X. Yi, “Lyapunov control on quantum systems”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 28, № 30, 2014, 1430020  crossref
  7. Vadim N. Petruhanov, Alexander N. Pechen, “Quantum Gate Generation in Two-Level Open Quantum Systems by Coherent and Incoherent Photons Found with Gradient Search”, Photonics, 10, № 2, 2023, 220  crossref
  8. E. Campos, D. Rabinovich, V. Akshay, J. Biamonte, “Training saturation in layerwise quantum approximate optimization”, Phys. Rev. A, 104, № 3, 2021, L030401  crossref
  9. Oleg Vasilevich Morzhin, Alexander Nikolaevich Pechen, “On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls for two-level quantum systems”, Izv. Math., 87, № 5, 2023, 1024  crossref
  10. V. Petruhanov, A. Pechen, “Incoherent GRAPE for Optimization of Quantum Systems with Environmentally Assisted Control”, Russ Microelectron, 52, № S1, 2023, S424  crossref