4 citations to 10.1007/s10483-018-2338-9 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Oleg P. Tkachenko, “Mathematical model of the pipeline with angular joint of elements”, Math Methods in App Sciences, 43, № 13, 2020, 7550  crossref
  2. L M Baisheva, P P Permyakov, A M Bolshakov, “Heat and Mass Transfer of a Coolant in Horizontal Seasonal Cooling Devices”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 753, № 4, 2020, 042092  crossref
  3. Xia Tan, Hu Ding, Jian-Qiao Sun, Li-Qun Chen, “Primary and super-harmonic resonances of Timoshenko pipes conveying high-speed fluid”, Ocean Engineering, 203, 2020, 107258  crossref
  4. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Oleg P. Tkachenko, “Approximate resolving equations of mathematical model of a curved thin-walled cylinder”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 422, 2022, 126961  crossref