23 citations to 10.1007/BF00370182 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Michael R. Koss, “Some Obstacles Facing a Semantic Foundation for Constructive Mathematics”, Erkenn, 80, № 5, 2015, 1055  crossref
  2. Jeroen P. Goudsmit, “Admissibility and refutation: some characterisations of intermediate logics”, Arch. Math. Logic, 53, № 7-8, 2014, 779  crossref
  3. Michael Zakharyaschev, “A New Solution to a Problem of Hosoi and Ono”, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, 35, № 3, 1994  crossref
  4. Tom Skura, “Maximality and Refutability”, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, 45, № 2, 2004  crossref
  5. Alessandro Avellone, Camillo Fiorentini, Paolo Mantovani, Pierangelo Miglioli, “On maximal intermediate predicate constructive logics”, Stud Logica, 57, № 2-3, 1996, 373  crossref
  6. Mauro Ferrari, Pierangelo Miglioli, “A method to single out maximal propositional logics with the disjunction property II”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 76, № 2, 1995, 117  crossref
  7. Roy T. Cook, “Should Anti-Realists be Anti-Realists About Anti-Realism?”, Erkenn, 79, № S2, 2014, 233  crossref
  8. Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar, Handbook of Logical Thought in India, 2022, 979  crossref
  9. Stefano Aguzzoli, Matteo Bianchi, “Single chain completeness and some related properties”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 301, 2016, 51  crossref
  10. M. Zakharyaschev, F. Wolter, A. Chagrov, Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2001, 83  crossref