- D. I. Borisov, “Operator estimates for non-periodically perforated domains: disappearance of cavities”, Applicable Analysis, 103, № 5, 2024, 859

- Denis I. Borisov, “Operator estimates for non‐periodically perforated domains with Dirichlet and nonlinear Robin conditions: Strange term”, Math Methods in App Sciences, 47, № 6, 2024, 4122

- Denis Ivanovich Borisov, “Geometric Approximation of Point Interactions in Two-Dimensional Domains for Non-Self-Adjoint Operators”, Mathematics, 11, № 4, 2023, 947

- D. I. Borisov, “Operator Estimates in Two-Dimensional Problems with a Frequent Alternation in the Case of Small Parts with the Dirichlet Condition”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 321, № S1, 2023, S33

- Tatiana Aleksandrovna Suslina, “Теоретико-операторный подход к усреднению уравнений типа Шрeдингера с периодическими коэффициентами”, Успехи математических наук, 78, № 6(474), 2023, 47

- Denis Ivanovich Borisov, “Geometric Approximation of Point Interactions in Three-Dimensional Domains”, Mathematics, 12, № 7, 2024, 1031

- Andrii Khrabustovskyi, “Operator estimates for the Neumann sieve problem”, Annali di Matematica, 202, № 4, 2023, 1955

- Denis Ivanovich Borisov, Dmitry Mikhailovich Polyakov, “Resolvent Convergence for Differential–Difference Operators with Small Variable Translations”, Mathematics, 11, № 20, 2023, 4260

- Tatiana Aleksandrovna Suslina, “Operator-theoretic approach to the homogenization of Schrödinger-type equations with periodic coefficients”, Russian Math. Surveys, 78, № 6, 2023, 1023

- D. Borisov, A. R. Mukhametrakhimova, S. V. Kislyakov, “Uniform convergence for problems with perforation along a given manifold and with a nonlinear Robin condition on the boundaries of cavities”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 35, № 4, 2024, 611