179 citations to 10.1007/978-1-4612-1100-6 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Bernard Deconinck, Mark van Hoeij, “Computing Riemann matrices of algebraic curves”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 152-153, 2001, 28  crossref
  2. Leonid Lutsev, “Space-Time Properties as Quantum Effects. Restrictions Imposed by Grothendieck’s Scheme Theory”, JMP, 10, № 07, 2019, 795  crossref
  3. Débora Lopes, Jorge Sotomayor, Ronaldo Garcia, “Umbilic singularities and lines of curvature on ellipsoids of ℝ4”, Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series, 45, № 3, 2014, 453  crossref
  4. Ya M Dymarskii, Yu A Evtushenko, “Foliation of the space of periodic boundary-value problems by hypersurfaces corresponding to fixed lengths of thenth spectral lacuna”, Sb. Math., 207, № 5, 2016, 678  crossref
  5. V. V. Zverev, I. M. Izmozherov, B. N. Filippov, “Visualization of Dynamic Vortex Structures in Magnetic Films with Uniaxial Anisotropy (Micromagnetic Simulation)”, Phys. Solid State, 60, № 2, 2018, 299  crossref
  6. Yakov Mikhailovich Dymarskii, Yulia Aleksandrovna Evtushenko, “Расслоение пространства периодических краевых задач на гиперповерхности постоянной длины $n$-й спектральной лакуны”, Математический сборник, 207, № 5, 2016, 43  crossref
  7. Zhong Wang, Xiao-Liang Qi, Shou-Cheng Zhang, “Equivalent topological invariants of topological insulators”, New J. Phys., 12, № 6, 2010, 065007  crossref
  8. V. V. Vedenyapin, A. A. Bay, A. G. Petrov, “On Derivation of Equations of Gravitation from the Principle of Least Action, Relativistic Milne–McCrea Solutions, and Lagrange Points”, Dokl. Math., 108, № 3, 2023, 481  crossref
  9. Domenico Monaco, Gianluca Panati, Adriano Pisante, Stefan Teufel, “Optimal Decay of Wannier functions in Chern and Quantum Hall Insulators”, Commun. Math. Phys., 359, № 1, 2018, 61  crossref
  10. A. V. Ovchinnikov, “Toda Systems as Models of Conformal Classical Field Theory”, J Math Sci, 128, № 4, 2005, 3054  crossref