19 citations to 10.1088/0305-4470/19/1/015 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ludvig D. Faddeev, Olav Tirkkonen, “Connections of the Liouville model and XXZ spin chain”, Nuclear Physics B, 453, № 3, 1995, 647  crossref
  2. S. V. Talalov, “Hamiltonian structure of ?thirring x liouville? model. Singular solutions”, Theor Math Phys, 71, № 3, 1987, 588  crossref
  3. Paolo Maria Santini, “Linear theories, hidden variables and integrable nonlinear equations”, Physics Letters A, 212, № 1-2, 1996, 43  crossref
  4. V. I. Fedorchuk, “On the Invariant Solutions of Some Five-Dimensional D’alembert Equations”, J Math Sci, 220, № 1, 2017, 27  crossref
  5. S. V. Talalov, “Singular solutions of the Liouville equation on an interval”, Theor Math Phys, 67, № 3, 1986, 537  crossref
  6. S. V. Talalov, “Spinning string in four-dimensional spacetime as a model ofSL(2, ?) chiral field with anomaly. I”, Theor Math Phys, 82, № 2, 1990, 139  crossref
  7. A.K. Pogrebkov, “String solutions in three-dimensional field models”, Physics Letters B, 186, № 3-4, 1987, 347  crossref
  8. S V Talalov, “Classical D=2+1 spinning string: Geometrical description and current algebras”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 22, № 13, 1989, 2275  crossref
  9. A. K. Pogrebkov, S. V. Talalov, “?Thirring x Liouville? model”, Theor Math Phys, 70, № 3, 1987, 241  crossref