3 citations to 10.1007/s10231-019-00836-x (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. L. Barbu, G. Morosanu, “FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECTRUM OF A STEKLOV-LIKE EIGENVALUE PROBLEM INVOLVING THE (p, q)-LAPLACIAN”, AnnalsARSciMath, 15, № 1-2, 2023, 30  crossref
  2. Vladimir Bobkov, Mieko Tanaka, “On the antimaximum principle for the p-Laplacian and its sublinear perturbations”, Partial Differ. Equ. Appl., 4, № 3, 2023, 21  crossref
  3. Luminiţa Barbu, Andreea Burlacu, Gheorghe Moroşanu, “An Eigenvalue Problem Involving the (p, q)-Laplacian With a Parametric Boundary Condition”, Mediterr. J. Math., 20, № 4, 2023, 232  crossref