- Alexander Isaakovich Esterov, “Степень бифуркационного множества общего полиномиального отображения”, Успехи математических наук, 72, № 4(436), 2017, 197

- A. Esterov, L. Lang, “Sparse polynomial equations and other enumerative problems whose Galois groups are wreath products”, Sel. Math. New Ser., 28, № 2, 2022, 22

- Boulos El Hilany, Elias Tsigaridas, “Computing the Non-properness Set of Real Polynomial Maps in the Plane”, Vietnam J. Math., 2023

- I. A. Antipova, E. N. Mikhalkin, A. K. Tsikh, “Rational expressions for multiple roots of algebraic equations”, Sb. Math., 209, № 10, 2018, 1419

- Laurent Busé, Angelos Mantzaflaris, Elias Tsigaridas, “Matrix formulæ for resultants and discriminants of bivariate tensor-product polynomials”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 98, 2020, 65

- Irina Avgustovna Antipova, Evgenii Nikolaevich Mikhalkin, Avgust Karlovich Tsikh, “Рациональные выражения для кратных корней алгебраических уравнений”, Математический сборник, 209, № 10, 2018, 3

- Alexander Esterov, Gleb Gusev, “Multivariate Abel–Ruffini”, Math. Ann., 365, № 3-4, 2016, 1091

- A I Esterov, “The degree of the bifurcation set of a generic polynomial map”, Russ. Math. Surv., 72, № 4, 2017, 773

- A. Esterov, “Galois theory for general systems of polynomial equations”, Compositio Math., 155, № 2, 2019, 229

- Boulos El Hilany, “Counting isolated points outside the image of a polynomial map”, Advances in Geometry, 22, № 3, 2022, 355