58 citations to 10.1007/pl00011158 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Willem Veys, “Stringy zeta functions for ℚ-Gorenstein varieties”, Duke Math. J., 120, № 3, 2003  crossref
  2. Saibal Ganguli, “McKay correspondence in quasi-SL quasitoric orbifolds”, Proc Math Sci, 129, № 2, 2019, 24  crossref
  3. Yalong Cao, Martijn Kool, Sergej Monavari, “A Donaldson-Thomas crepant resolution conjecture on Calabi-Yau 4-folds”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2023  crossref
  4. Timothy De Deyn, “A note on affine cones over Grassmannians and their stringy 𝐸-functions”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2023  crossref
  5. TORU OHMOTO, “Generating functions of orbifold Chern classes I: symmetric products”, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 144, № 2, 2008, 423  crossref
  6. Lev A. Borisov, Zhan Li, “On complete intersections with trivial canonical class”, Advances in Mathematics, 268, 2015, 339  crossref
  7. Yin Chen, Rong Du, Yun Gao, “Modular quotient varieties and singularities by the cyclic group of order 2p”, Communications in Algebra, 48, № 12, 2020, 5490  crossref
  8. Matthew Satriano, Jeremy Usatine, “Crepant resolutions of log-terminal singularities via Artin stacks”, Duke Math. J., 173, № 18, 2024  crossref