145 citations to 10.1007/BF02399195 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alice Rizzardo, Michel Van den Bergh, Amnon Neeman, “An example of a non-Fourier–Mukai functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves”, Invent. math., 216, № 3, 2019, 927  crossref
  2. E. Macri, P. Stellari, “Infinitesimal Derived Torelli Theorem for K3 Surfaces (with an Appendix by Sukhendu Mehrotra)”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009  crossref
  3. Sarah Frei, Brendan Hassett, Anthony Várilly-Alvarado, “Reduction of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces, rationality and derived equivalence”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2022, № 792, 2022, 289  crossref
  4. Benjamin Antieau, Daniel Krashen, Matthew Ward, “Derived categories of torsors for abelian schemes”, Advances in Mathematics, 306, 2017, 1  crossref
  5. Shinobu Hosono, Bong H. Lian, Keiji Oguiso, Shing-Tung Yau, “Kummer structures on a K3 surface: An old question of T. Shioda”, Duke Math. J., 120, № 3, 2003  crossref
  6. Daniel Huybrechts, “Derived and abelian equivalence of K3 surfaces”, J. Algebraic Geom., 17, № 2, 2007, 375  crossref
  7. D. Greb, A. Küronya, Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry, 2015, 207  crossref
  8. Emanuele Macrì, Paolo Stellari, 26, Birational Geometry of Hypersurfaces, 2019, 199  crossref
  9. Matthew Ballard, David Favero, Ludmil Katzarkov, “A category of kernels for equivariant factorizations, II: Further implications”, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 102, № 4, 2014, 702  crossref
  10. Ana Cristina López Martín, Carlos Tejero Prieto, “Derived equivalences of Abelian varieties and symplectic isomorphisms”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 122, 2017, 92  crossref