64 citations to 10.1007/s00024-004-2663-6 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Stefano Polizzi, Francisco-José Pérez-Reche, Alain Arneodo, Françoise Argoul, “Power-law and log-normal avalanche size statistics in random growth processes”, Phys. Rev. E, 104, № 5, 2021, L052101  crossref
  2. D. Sornette, “Nurturing breakthroughs: lessons from complexity theory”, J Econ Interact Coord, 3, № 2, 2008, 165  crossref
  3. Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Ilya Zaliapin, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, “Random Self-Similar Trees: Emergence of Scaling Laws”, Surv Geophys, 43, № 2, 2022, 353  crossref
  4. Alexander Wehrli, Didier Sornette, “Excess financial volatility explained by endogenous excitations revealed by EM calibrations of a generalized Hawkes point process”, SSRN Journal, 2021  crossref
  5. Didier Sornette, “Physics and financial economics (1776–2014): puzzles, Ising and agent-based models”, Rep. Prog. Phys., 77, № 6, 2014, 062001  crossref
  6. Kiyoshi Kanazawa, Didier Sornette, “Nonuniversal Power Law Distribution of Intensities of the Self-Excited Hawkes Process: A Field-Theoretical Approach”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, № 13, 2020, 138301  crossref
  7. Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Ilya Zaliapin, Yehuda Ben-Zion, “Invariant Galton–Watson branching process for earthquake occurrence”, Geophysical Journal International, 231, № 1, 2022, 567  crossref
  8. Jordi Baró, “Topological Properties of Epidemic Aftershock Processes”, JGR Solid Earth, 125, № 5, 2020, e2019JB018530  crossref
  9. Kazuhiro Takemoto, Takeyuki Tamura, Yang Cong, Wai-Ki Ching, Jean-Philippe Vert, Tatsuya Akutsu, “Analysis of the impact degree distribution in metabolic networks using branching process approximation”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391, № 1-2, 2012, 379  crossref
  10. Mikko J. Alava, Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen, Computational Complexity, 2012, 285  crossref