4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/znsl6867
  1. St. Petersburg Math. J., 34:1 (2023), 45–77  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  2. R. Preusser, “The subnormal structure of classical-like groups over commutative rings”, J. Group Theory, 24:3 (2021), 481–508  crossref  mathscinet  isi
  3. Lubkov R., “The Reverse Decomposition of Unipotents For Bivectors”, Commun. Algebr., 49:10 (2021), 4546–4556  crossref  mathscinet  isi
  4. N. A. Vavilov, Z. Zhang, “Relative centralisers of relative subgroups”, Voprosy teorii predstavlenii algebr i grupp. 35, Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, 492, POMI, SPb., 2020, 10–24  mathnet