122 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/semr52
A. A. Makhnev, N. V. Chuksina, “Ob avtomorfizmakh distantsionno regulyarnogo grafa s massivom peresechenii $\{75,72,1;1,12,75\}$”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 12 (2015), 802–809
A. V. Vasil'ev, M. A. Grechkoseeva, “Recognition by spectrum for simple classical groups in characteristic $2$”, Siberian Math. J., 56:6 (2015), 1009–1018
A. A. Makhnev, M. M. Khamgokova, “Avtomorfizmy grafa s parametrami $(532,156,30,52)$”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 12 (2015), 930–939
M. R. Zinoveva, “Konechnye prostye gruppy lieva tipa nad polem odnoi kharakteristiki s odinakovym grafom prostykh chisel”, Tr. IMM UrO RAN, 20, no. 2, 2014, 168–183
P. Nosratpour, M. R. Darafsheh, “OD-characterization of all finite nonabelian simple groups with orders having prime divisors at most 13”, Siberian Math. J., 55:4 (2014), 658–666
I. B. Gorshkov, “Recognizability of symmetric groups by spectrum”, Algebra and Logic, 53:6 (2015), 450–457
M. A. Zvezdina, “On nonabelian simple groups having the same prime graph as an alternating group”, Siberian Math. J., 54:1 (2013), 47–55
A. K. Asboei, “A characterization of the simple sporadic groups”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 10 (2013), 200–204
Zhang L., Shi W., Yu D., Wang J., “Recognition of Finite Simple Groups Whose First Prime Graph Components Are R-Regular”, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 36:1 (2013), 131–142
Yu. V. Lytkin, “On groups critical with respect to a set of natural numbers”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 10 (2013), 666–675