18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/semr376
A. Zadorin, “Two-dimensional interpolation of functions with large gradients in boundary layers”, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications (NAA 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10187, ed. I. Dimov, I. Farago, L. Vulkov, Springer, 2017, 760–768
A. I. Zadorin, N. A. Zadorin, “Polinomialnaya interpolyatsiya funktsii dvukh peremennykh s bolshimi gradientami v pogranichnykh sloyakh”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-matem. nauki, 158, no. 1, Izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta, Kazan, 2016, 40–50
A. I. Zadorin, “Interpolation formulas for functions with large gradients in the boundary layer and their application”, Model. i analiz inform. sistem, 23:3 (2016), 377–384
S. V. Tikhovskaya, “Issledovanie dvukhsetochnogo metoda povyshennoi tochnosti dlya ellipticheskogo uravneniya reaktsii–diffuzii s pogranichnymi sloyami”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-matem. nauki, 157, no. 1, Izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta, Kazan, 2015, 60–74
A. I. Zadorin, “Interpolyatsiya funktsii dvukh peremennykh s bolshimi gradientami v pogranichnykh sloyakh”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-matem. nauki, 157, no. 2, Izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta, Kazan, 2015, 55–67
A. I. Zadorin, “The Lagrange interpolation and the Newton–Cotes formulas for functions with a boundary layer component on piecewise-uniform meshes”, Num. Anal. Appl., 8:3 (2015), 235–247
A. I. Zadorin, N. A. Zadorin, “Formula Simpsona i ee modifikatsii dlya funktsii s pogransloinoi sostavlyayuschei”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 11 (2014), 258–267
A. I. Zadorin, “Modification of the Euler quadrature formula for functions with a boundary-layer component”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 54:10 (2014), 1489–1498