51 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rcd810
  1. Balseiro P. Yapu L.P., “Conserved Quantities and Hamiltonization of Nonholonomic Systems”, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare-Anal. Non Lineaire, 38:1 (2021), 23–60  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  2. S. V. Gonchenko, A. S. Gonchenko, A. O. Kazakov, “Three Types of Attractors and Mixed Dynamics of Nonholonomic Models of Rigid Body Motion”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 308 (2020), 125–140  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib
  3. Gzenda V. Putkaradze V., “Integrability and Chaos in Figure Skating”, J. Nonlinear Sci., 30:3 (2020), 831–850  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  4. Vladimir Dragović, Borislav Gajić, Božidar Jovanović, “Demchenko's nonholonomic case of a gyroscopic ball rolling without sliding over a sphere after his 1923 Belgrade doctoral thesis”, Theor. Appl. Mech., 47:2 (2020), 257–287  mathnet  crossref
  5. Szuminski W. Przybylska M., “Differential Galois Integrability Obstructions For Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Differential Systems”, Chaos, 30:1 (2020), 013135  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  6. A V Doroshin, “Change of mechanical structures of spacecraft with variable quantity of degrees of freedom in purposes of reaction/momentum wheels unloading”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 984:1 (2020), 012006  crossref
  7. S. P. Kuznetsov, “Complex Dynamics in Generalizations of the Chaplygin Sleigh”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 15:4 (2019), 551–559  mathnet  crossref  elib
  8. Miguel D. Bustamante, Peter Lynch, “Nonholonomic Noetherian Symmetries and Integrals of the Routh Sphere and the Chaplygin Ball”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 24:5 (2019), 511–524  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  9. Ogul Esen, Victor M. Jiménez, Manuel de León, Cristina Sardón, “Reduction of a Hamilton – Jacobi Equation for Nonholonomic Systems”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 24:5 (2019), 525–559  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  10. Ivan A. Bizyaev, Alexey V. Borisov, Ivan S. Mamaev, “Different Models of Rolling for a Robot Ball on a Plane as a Generalization of the Chaplygin Ball Problem”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 24:5 (2019), 560–582  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet