106 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rcd114
A. A. Kilin, Yu. L. Karavaev, “Eksperimentalnye issledovaniya dinamiki sfericheskogo robota kombinirovannogo tipa”, Nelineinaya dinam., 11:4 (2015), 721–734
I. A. Bizyaev, A. V. Bolsinov, A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev, “Topologiya i bifurkatsii v negolonomnoi mekhanike”, Nelineinaya dinam., 11:4 (2015), 735–762
Valery V. Kozlov, “The Dynamics of Systems with Servoconstraints. I”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:3 (2015), 205–224
Yury L. Karavaev, Alexander A. Kilin, “The Dynamics and Control of a Spherical Robot with an Internal Omniwheel Platform”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:2 (2015), 134–152
Božidar Jovanović, “Invariant Measures of Modified $\mathrm{LR}$ and $\mathrm{L+R}$ Systems”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:5 (2015), 542–552
Alexander P. Ivanov, “On the Control of a Robot Ball Using Two Omniwheels”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:4 (2015), 441–448
Alexey V. Borisov, Alexander A. Kilin, Ivan S. Mamaev, “Dynamics and Control of an Omniwheel Vehicle”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 20:2 (2015), 153–172
I. A. Bizyaev, A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev, “Hamiltonization of elementary nonholonomic systems”, Russ. J. Math. Phys., 22:4 (2015), 444–453
M. A. Jalali, M. S. Sarebangholi, M.-R. Alam, “Terminal retrograde turn of rolling rings”, Phys. Rev. E, 92:3 (2015), 032913
P. Balseiro, O. E. Fernandez, “Reduction of nonholonomic systems in two stages and Hamiltonization”, Nonlinearity, 28:8 (2015), 2873–2912