181 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qst1
S.N. Grinyaev, S.N. Grinyaev, D.I. Pravikov, D.I. Pravikov, K.A. Razgulyaev, K.A. Razgulyaev, A.A. Ryazanova, A.A. Ryazanova, D.V. Khan, D.V. Khan, A.Yu. Scherbakov, A. Yu. Shcherbakov, “Osnovnye metodologicheskie podkhody k formirovaniyu i obosnovaniyu arkhitektury i protokola kvantovogo raspredelennogo reestra”, Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya. Seriya 2: Informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy, 2020, no. 1, 11
Deepa Pavithran, Khaled Shaalan, Jamal N. Al-Karaki, Amjad Gawanmeh, “Towards building a blockchain framework for IoT”, Cluster Comput, 23:3 (2020), 2089
Xin Sun, Piotr Kulicki, Mirek Sopek, “Multi-Party Quantum Byzantine Agreement without Entanglement”, Entropy, 22:10 (2020), 1152
Toshio Koide, “ブロックチェーンのデータ構造と動作原理”, IEICE Commun. Mag., 14:1 (2020), 12
Laszlo Gyongyosi, Sandor Imre, “Statistical quadrature evolution by inference for multicarrier continuous-variable quantum key distribution”, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found., 7:1 (2020), 99
Wenyou Gao, Chang Su, “Analysis of earnings forecast of blockchain financial products based on particle swarm optimization”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 372 (2020), 112724
Shreya Banerjee, Arghya Mukherjee, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, “Quantum blockchain using weighted hypergraph states”, Phys. Rev. Research, 2:1 (2020)
Tri Nguyen, Ngoc Tran, Lauri Loven, Juha Partala, M-Tahar Kechadi, Susanna Pirttikangas, 2020 2nd 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), 2020, 1
Ahmed Farouk, Amal Alahmadi, Shohini Ghose, Atefeh Mashatan, “Blockchain platform for industrial healthcare: Vision and future opportunities”, Computer Communications, 154 (2020), 223
Chen-Fu Chiang, Saumendra Sengupta, Ali Tekeoglu, Jorge Novillo, Bruno Andriamanalimanana, 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2020, 1