65 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/prl4
  1. Philip Taranto, Felix A. Pollock, Kavan Modi, “Non-Markovian memory strength bounds quantum process recoverability”, npj Quantum Inf, 7:1 (2021)  crossref
  2. Dominikus Brian, Xiang Sun, “Generalized quantum master equation: A tutorial review and recent advances”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 34:5 (2021), 497  crossref
  3. Rodrigo A Vargas-Hernández, Ricky T Q Chen, Kenneth A Jung, Paul Brumer, “Fully differentiable optimization protocols for non-equilibrium steady states”, New J. Phys., 23:12 (2021), 123006  crossref
  4. Andrea Smirne, Nina Megier, Bassano Vacchini, “On the connection between microscopic description and memory effects in open quantum system dynamics”, Quantum, 5 (2021), 439  crossref
  5. Simon Milz, Kavan Modi, “Quantum Stochastic Processes and Quantum non-Markovian Phenomena”, PRX Quantum, 2:3 (2021)  crossref
  6. Paolo P. Mazza, Dominik Zietlow, Federico Carollo, Sabine Andergassen, Georg Martius, Igor Lesanovsky, “Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics”, Phys. Rev. Research, 3:2 (2021)  crossref
  7. Ilya A. Luchnikov, Mikhail E. Krechetov, Sergey N. Filippov, “Riemannian geometry and automatic differentiation for optimization problems of quantum physics and quantum technologies”, New J. Phys., 23 (2021), 73006–25  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  8. Oliver Kaestle, Regina Finsterhoelzl, Andreas Knorr, Alexander Carmele, “Continuous and time-discrete non-Markovian system-reservoir interactions: Dissipative coherent quantum feedback in Liouville space”, Phys. Rev. Research, 3:2 (2021)  crossref
  9. Mikhail Altaisky, Natalia Kaputkina, 2021 5th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA), 2021, 10  crossref
  10. Chu Guo, Kavan Modi, Dario Poletti, “Tensor-network-based machine learning of non-Markovian quantum processes”, Phys. Rev. A, 102:6 (2020)  crossref