7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/phscr6
  1. A. K. Fedorov, E. O. Kiktenko, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky, “Quantum entanglement, teleportation, and randomness: Nobel Prize in Physics 2022”, Phys. Usp., 66:11 (2023), 1095–1104  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref  scopus
  2. Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, “Exploring postselection-induced quantum phenomena with time-bidirectional state formalism”, Phys. Rev. A, 107 (2023), 032419  mathnet  crossref
  3. S Korotaev, N Budnev, V Serdyuk, E Kiktenko, D Orekhova, J Gorohov, “Macroscopic nonlocal correlations by new data of the Baikal Experiment”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2197:1 (2022), 012019  crossref
  4. A V Shepelin, A M Rostom, V A Tomilin, L V Il'ichov, “Multiworld motives by closed time-like curves”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2081:1 (2021), 012029  crossref
  5. S Korotaev, N Budnev, V Serdyuk, E Kiktenko, D Orekhova, J Gorohov, “Macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time by data of the Baikal Experiment”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1557:1 (2020), 012026  crossref
  6. Soumik Ghosh, Arnab Adhikary, Goutam Paul, “Revisiting integer factorization using closed timelike curves”, Quantum Inf Process, 18:1 (2019)  crossref
  7. S. Korotaev, N. Budnev, V. Serdyuk, E. Kiktenko, J. Gorohov, V. Zurbanov, “Macroscopic entanglement and time reversal causality by data of the Baikal Experiment”, JPCS, 1051 (2018), 12019–12  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus