18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/nphb24
  1. Jun-Xia Chen, De-Fu Hou, Hai-Cang Ren, “Drag force and heavy quark potential in a rotating background”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2024:3 (2024)  crossref
  2. Victor V. Braguta, Maxim N. Chernodub, Artem A. Roenko, Dmitrii A. Sychev, “Negative moment of inertia and rotational instability of gluon plasma”, Physics Letters B, 852 (2024), 138604  crossref
  3. Nelson R.F. Braga, Octavio C. Junqueira, “Inhomogeneity of a rotating quark-gluon plasma from holography”, Physics Letters B, 848 (2024), 138330  crossref
  4. Yi-Ze 镒泽 Cai 蔡, Zi-Qiang 自强 Zhang 张, “Holographic Schwinger effect in spinning black hole backgrounds*”, Chinese Phys. C, 48:1 (2024), 015102  crossref
  5. Fei Sun, Jingdong Shao, Rui Wen, Kun Xu, Mei Huang, “Chiral phase transition and spin alignment of vector mesons in the polarized-Polyakov-loop Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model under rotation”, Phys. Rev. D, 109:11 (2024)  crossref
  6. Victor V. Braguta, Maxim N. Chernodub, Artem A. Roenko, “New mixed inhomogeneous phase in vortical gluon plasma: First-principle results from rotating SU(3) lattice gauge theory”, Physics Letters B, 855 (2024), 138783  crossref
  7. Victor V. Braguta, Maxim N. Chernodub, Ilya E. Kudrov, Artem A. Roenko, Dmitrii A. Sychev, “Negative Barnett effect, negative moment of inertia of the gluon plasma, and thermal evaporation of the chromomagnetic condensate”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:1 (2024)  crossref
  8. Nelson R. F. Braga, Yan F. Ferreira, “Bottomonium dissociation in a rotating plasma”, Phys. Rev. D, 108:9 (2023)  crossref
  9. V. V. Braguta, I. E. Kudrov, A. A. Roenko, D. A. Sychev, M. N. Chernodub, “Lattice study of the equation of state of a rotating gluon plasma”, JETP Letters, 117:9 (2023), 639–644  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref
  10. Gopal Yadav, “Deconfinement temperature of rotating QGP at intermediate coupling from M-theory”, Physics Letters B, 841 (2023), 137925  crossref