68 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ncom1
Denys I. Bondar, Alexander N. Pechen, “Uncomputability and complexity of quantum control”, Sci. Rep., 10:1 (2020), 1195–10
Michael G Jabbour, Nicolas J Cerf, “Fock majorization in bosonic quantum channels with a passive environment”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 52:10 (2019), 105302
Giacomo De Palma, “New Lower Bounds to the Output Entropy of Multi-Mode Quantum Gaussian Channels”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65:9 (2019), 5959
Jiyong Park, Jaehak Lee, Hyunchul Nha, “Entropic nonclassicality and quantum non-Gaussianity tests via beam splitting”, Sci Rep, 9:1 (2019)
M. T. DiMario, L. Kunz, K. Banaszek, F. E. Becerra, “Optimized communication strategies with binary coherent states over phase noise channels”, npj Quantum Inf, 5:1 (2019)
Yonghae Lee, Hayata Yamasaki, Gerardo Adesso, Soojoon Lee, “One-shot quantum state exchange”, Phys. Rev. A, 100:4 (2019)
Kabgyun Jeong, Hun Hee Lee, Youngrong Lim, “Universal upper bounds for Gaussian information capacity”, Annals of Physics, 407 (2019), 46
Jaehak Lee, Jiyong Park, Hyunchul Nha, “Quantum non-Gaussianity and secure quantum communication”, npj Quantum Inf, 5:1 (2019)
Giacomo De Palma, Dario Trevisan, Vittorio Giovannetti, “The One-Mode Quantum-Limited Gaussian Attenuator and Amplifier Have GaussianMaximizers”, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 19:10 (2018), 2919
Wolfgang Niedenzu, Victor Mukherjee, Arnab Ghosh, Abraham G. Kofman, Gershon Kurizki, “Quantum engine efficiency bound beyond the second law of thermodynamics”, Nat Commun, 9:1 (2018)