75 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/mt157
E. N. Zalesskaya, N. N. Vorob'ev, “Lattices of partially local fitting classes”, Siberian Math. J., 50:6 (2009), 1038–1044
Shpakov V.V., “Klassy Fittinga, opredelyaemye proizvedeniyami khollovykh podgrupp i radikalov”, Vesnik Vitsebskaga dzyarzhainaga universiteta, 2009, no. 51, 113–120
V. G. Safonov, I. N. Safonova, “O privodimykh $\tau$-zamknutykh $\omega$-nasyschennykh formatsiyakh s razreshimym defektom 2”, PFMT, 2009, no. 1(1), 64–68
Guo W., Shum K.P., Vorob'ev N.T., “Problems related to the Lockett Conjecture on Fitting classes of finite groups”, Indag. Math. (N.S.), 19:3 (2008), 391–399
A. Ballester-Bolinches, C. Calvo, L. A. Shemetkov, “On partially saturated formations of finite groups”, Sb. Math., 198:6 (2007), 757–775
V. G. Safonov, “Characterization of the soluble one-generated totally saturated formations of finite groups”, Siberian Math. J., 48:1 (2007), 150–155
Safonov V.G., “On modularity of the lattice of totally saturated formations of finite groups”, Comm. Algebra, 35:11 (2007), 3495–3502
Guo Wenbin, Sel'kin V.M., Shum K.P., “Factorization theory of 1-generated $\omega$-composition formations”, Comm. Algebra, 35:9 (2007), 2901–2931
Ballester-Bolinches A., Calvo C., Esteban-Romero R., “Products of formations of finite groups”, J. Algebra, 299:2 (2006), 602–615
V. N. Zagurskii, N. T. Vorob'ev, “Fitting Classes with Given Properties of Hall Subgroups”, Math. Notes, 78:2 (2005), 213–218