349 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/mmj73
Ben-Zvi D., Nadler D., Preygel A., “Integral Transforms For Coherent Sheaves”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 19:12 (2017), 3763–3812
Anno R., Logvinenko T., “Spherical Dg-Functors”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 19:9 (2017), 2577–2656
Toen B., “Problems of Formal Modules [According to Drinfeld, Kontsevich, Hinich, Manetti, Pridham, Lurie, Etc.]”, Asterisque, 2017, no. 390, 199–244
Ballard M., Deliu D., Favero D., Isik M.U., Katzarkov L., “Homological Projective Duality Via Variation of Geometric Invariant Theory Quotients”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 19:4 (2017), 1127–1158
Emanuele Macrì, Benjamin Schmidt, Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana, 21, Moduli of Curves, 2017, 139
Stovicek J., Pospisil D., “on Compactly Generated Torsion Pairs and the Classification of Co-T-Structures For Commutative Noetherian Rings”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 368:9 (2016), 6325–6361
Yang S., “a Note on the Rouquier Dimensions of Product Varieties”, J. Algebra. Appl., 15:4 (2016), 1650065
Lunts V.A., Schnuerer O.M., “New Enhancements of Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves and Applications”, J. Algebra, 446 (2016), 203–274
Marcolli M. Tabuda G., “Noncommutative Numerical Motives, Tannakian Structures, and Motivic Galois Groups”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 18:3 (2016), 623–655
Chan K., Pomerleano D., Ueda K., “Lagrangian Torus Fibrations and Homological Mirror Symmetry For the Conifold”, Commun. Math. Phys., 341:1 (2016), 135–178