6 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/mmj664
  1. Goncharuk N. Kudryashov Yu., “Families of Vector Fields With Many Numerical Invariants”, Discret. Contin. Dyn. Syst., 42:1 (2022), 239–259  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  2. N. Goncharuk, Yu. G. Kudryashov, N. Solodovnikov, “New structurally unstable families of planar vector fields”, Nonlinearity, 34:1 (2021), 438–454  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  3. N. B. Goncharuk, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, “Various Equivalence Relations in Global Bifurcation Theory”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 310 (2020), 78–97  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib
  4. N. Goncharuk, Yu. Ilyashenko, N. Solodovnikov, “Global bifurcations in generic one-parameter families with a parabolic cycle on $S^2$”, Mosc. Math. J., 19:4 (2019), 709–737  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
  5. Yu. Ilyashenko, “First steps of the global bifurcation theory in the plane”, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Applications: Selim Grigorievich Krein Centennial, Contemporary Mathematics, 734, eds. P. Kuchment, E. Semenov, Amer. Math. Soc., 2019, 145–158  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  6. Valeriia Starichkova, “Global Bifurcations in Generic One-parameter Families on $\mathbb{S}^2$”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 23:6 (2018), 767–784  mathnet  crossref