72 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/mmj164
Orem H., “Formal Geometry For Noncommutative Manifolds”, J. Algebra, 434 (2015), 261–282
Etingof P. Gorsky E. Losev I., “Representations of Rational Cherednik Algebras With Minimal Support and Torus Knots”, Adv. Math., 277 (2015), 124–180
Kuwabara T., “Brst Cohomologies For Symplectic Reflection Algebras and Quantizations of Hypertoric Varieties”, Transform. Groups, 20:2 (2015), 437–461
Yekutieli A., “Twisted Deformation Quantization of Algebraic Varieties”, Adv. Math., 268 (2015), 241–305
Jordan D., Orem H., “An Algebro-Geometric Construction of Lower Central Series of Associative Algebras”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2015, no. 15, 6330–6352
Yu Sh., “the Dolbeault Dga of the Formal Neighborhood of the Diagonal”, J. Noncommutative Geom., 9:1 (2015), 161–184
McGerty K., Nevins T., “Derived Equivalence for Quantum Symplectic Resolutions”, Sel. Math.-New Ser., 20:2 (2014), 675–717
Gordon I.G., Losev I., “On Category O for Cyclotomic Rational Cherednik Algebras”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 16:5 (2014), 1017–1079
Losev I., “on Procesi Bundles”, Math. Ann., 359:3-4 (2014), 729–744
Gwilliam O., Grady R., “One-Dimensional Chern–Simons Theory and the (a)Over-Cap Genus”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 14:4 (2014), 2299–2377