102 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/mmj151
  1. Yi Yang, Jipeng Cheng, “Bogoyavlensky–modified KdV hierarchy and toroidal Lie algebra $\textrm{sl}^\textrm{tor}_{2}$”, Lett Math Phys, 114:2 (2024)  crossref
  2. Ang Fu, Mingjin Li, Di Yang, “From wave functions to tau-functions for the Volterra lattice hierarchy”, Acta Math Sci, 44:2 (2024), 405  crossref
  3. Lixiang Zhang, Chuanzhong Li, “On limit fractional Volterra hierarchies”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 76:1 (2024), 015002  crossref
  4. Di Yang, “GUE via Frobenius Manifolds. I. From Matrix Gravity to Topological Gravity and Back”, Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser., 40:1 (2024), 383  crossref
  5. Chuanzhong Li, “Virasoro symmetries of a coupled rational reduced 2D Toda hierarchy”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 214:3 (2023), 297–307  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa
  6. Si-Qi Liu, Zhe Wang, Youjin Zhang, “Variational Bihamiltonian Cohomologies and Integrable Hierarchies III: Linear Reciprocal Transformations”, Commun. Math. Phys., 403:2 (2023), 1109  crossref
  7. Chuan Zhong Li, “On a Symplectic Bigraded Toda Hierarchy”, Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser., 39:7 (2023), 1263  crossref
  8. Kanehisa Takasaki, “Generalized ILW hierarchy: solutions and limit to extended lattice GD hierarchy”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 56:16 (2023), 165201  crossref
  9. Ang Fu, Di Yang, Dafeng Zuo, “The constrained KP hierarchy and the bigraded Toda hierarchy of (M, 1)-type”, Lett Math Phys, 113:6 (2023)  crossref
  10. Lixiang Zhang, Chuanzhong Li, “Extensions and Generalizations of Lattice Gelfand–Dickey Hierarchy”, Math Phys Anal Geom, 26:3 (2023)  crossref