7 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/josab1
  1. Andrei Gaidash, Alexei D. Kiselev, George Miroshnichenko, Anton Kozubov, “Intermode-interaction-induced dynamics of continuous-variable quantum-key-distribution observables”, Phys. Rev. A, 109:6 (2024)  crossref
  2. Iu. A. Nosal, A. E. Teretenkov, “Higher Order Moments Dynamics for Some Multimode Quantum Master Equations”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 43:7 (2022), 1726–1739  mathnet  crossref
  3. Laszlo Gyongyosi, Sandor Imre, Philip R. Hemmer, Alan L. Migdall, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation II, 2022, 71  crossref
  4. Alexei D. Kiselev, Ali Ranim, Andrei V. Rybin, “Speed of Evolution and Correlations in Multi-Mode Bosonic Systems”, Entropy, 24:12 (2022), 1774  crossref
  5. A. E. Teretenkov, “Effective Heisenberg equations for quadratic Hamiltonians”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 37:20 (2022), 2243020–13  mathnet  crossref
  6. Alexei D. Kiselev, Ranim Ali, Andrei V. Rybin, “Lindblad Dynamics and Disentanglement in Multi-Mode Bosonic Systems”, Entropy, 23:11 (2021), 1409  crossref
  7. Alexei D. Kiselev, Ranim Ali, Andrei V. Rybin, “Dynamics of Characteristic and One-Point Correlation Functions of Multi-Mode Bosonic Systems: Exactly Solvable Model”, Symmetry, 13:12 (2021), 2309  crossref