36 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/jmp11
  1. Karol Horodecki, Marek Winczewski, Siddhartha Das, “Fundamental limitations on the device-independent quantum conference key agreement”, Phys. Rev. A, 105:2 (2022)  crossref
  2. Marek Winczewski, Tamoghna Das, Karol Horodecki, “Limitations on a device-independent key secure against a nonsignaling adversary via squashed nonlocality”, Phys. Rev. A, 106:5 (2022)  crossref
  3. Eneet Kaur, Saikat Guha, Mark M. Wilde, “Asymptotic security of discrete-modulation protocols for continuous-variable quantum key distribution”, Phys. Rev. A, 103:1 (2021)  crossref
  4. Simon Becker, Nilanjana Datta, Ludovico Lami, Cambyse Rouzé, “Convergence Rates for the Quantum Central Limit Theorem”, Commun. Math. Phys., 383:1 (2021), 223  crossref
  5. Karol Horodecki, Michał Studziński, Ryszard P. Kostecki, Omer Sakarya, Dong Yang, “Upper bounds on the leakage of private data and an operational approach to Markovianity”, Phys. Rev. A, 104:5 (2021)  crossref
  6. Holger Boche, Gisbert Janßen, Sajad Saeedinaeeni, “Universal superposition codes: Capacity regions of compound quantum broadcast channel with confidential messages”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61:4 (2020)  crossref
  7. M. E. Shirokov, “Advanced Alicki–Fannes–Winter method for energy-constrained quantum systems and its use”, Quantum Inf. Process., 19 (2020), 164–33  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  8. Cosmo Lupo, “Towards practical security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution”, Phys. Rev. A, 102:2 (2020)  crossref
  9. Karol Horodecki, Ryszard P. Kostecki, Roberto Salazar, Michał Studziński, “Limitations for private randomness repeaters”, Phys. Rev. A, 102:1 (2020)  crossref
  10. Farzin Salek, Anurag Anshu, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Rahul Jain, Javier Rodriguez Fonollosa, “One-Shot Capacity Bounds on the Simultaneous Transmission of Classical and Quantum Information”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 66:4 (2020), 2141  crossref