33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/jfs1
Thiago A.M. Guimarães, Leonardo Sanches, Flávio D. Marques, “Nonlinear supersonic post-flutter motion of panels with adjacent bays and thermal effects”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 125 (2020), 103545
Korosh Khorshidi, Mahdi Karimi, Marco Amabili, “Aeroelastic analysis of rectangular plates coupled to sloshing fluid”, Acta Mech, 231:8 (2020), 3183
Fangtao Xie, Yegao Qu, Qiwei Guo, Wenming Zhang, Zhike Peng, “Nonlinear flutter of composite laminated panels with local non-smooth friction boundaries”, Composite Structures, 223 (2019), 110934
Fangtao Xie, Yegao Qu, Wenming Zhang, Zhike Peng, Guang Meng, “Nonlinear aerothermoelastic analysis of composite laminated panels using a general higher-order shear deformation zig-zag theory”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 150 (2019), 226
Vasily V. Vedeneev, Victor A. Nesterov, “Effect of Nonequilibrium Reacting Flow on Flutter at Hypersonic Flight Speed”, AIAA Journal, 57:5 (2019), 2222
Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev, Andrey Aksenov, Gennady Sushko, “Transonic Panel Flutter in Accelerating or Decelerating Flow Conditions”, AIAA Journal, 56:3 (2018), 997
Vahid Khalafi, Jamshid Fazilati, “Supersonic panel flutter of variable stiffness composite laminated skew panels subjected to yawed flow by using NURBS-based isogeometric approach”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 82 (2018), 198
S.A. Bochkarev, S.V. Lekomtsev, “Stability analysis of rectangular parallel plates interacting with internal fluid flow and external supersonic gas flow”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 78 (2018), 331
Kai Zhou, Jinpeng Su, Hongxing Hua, “Aero-thermo-elastic flutter analysis of supersonic moderately thick orthotropic plates with general boundary conditions”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 141 (2018), 46
Douglas R.Q. Pacheco, António J.M. Ferreira, Flávio D. Marques, “On the effects of structural coupling on the supersonic flutter and limit cycle oscillations of transversely reinforced panels”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 79 (2018), 158