33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/imrn7
  1. Liqian Bai, Xueqing Chen, Ming Ding, Fan Xu, “A Quantum Analog of Generalized Cluster Algebras”, Algebr Represent Theor, 21:6 (2018), 1203  crossref
  2. Misha Gekhtman, Michael Shapiro, Alek Vainshtein, “Drinfeld double of GLn and generalized cluster structures”, Proc. London Math. Soc., 116:3 (2018), 429  crossref
  3. Tomoki NAKANISHI, “Rogers dilogarithms of higher degree and generalized cluster algebras”, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 70:4 (2018)  crossref
  4. Peigen Cao, Fang Li, “Some conjectures on generalized cluster algebras via the cluster formula and D-matrix pattern”, Journal of Algebra, 493 (2018), 57  crossref
  5. Bidyut Sanki, “Filling of closed surfaces”, J. Topol. Anal., 10:04 (2018), 897  crossref
  6. Leonid Chekhov, Marta Mazzocco, “Colliding holes in Riemann surfaces and quantum cluster algebras”, Nonlinearity, 31:1 (2018), 54–107  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  7. Leonid O. Chekhov, Marta Mazzocco, Vladimir N. Rubtsov, “Painlevé monodromy manifolds, decorated character varieties, and cluster algebras”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2017:24 (2017), 7639–7691  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  8. Jan Geuenich, Daniel Labardini-Fragoso, “Species with potential arising from surfaces with orbifold points of order 2, part I: one choice of weights”, Math. Z., 286:3-4 (2017), 1065  crossref
  9. Michael Gekhtman, Michael Shapiro, Alek Vainshtein, “Generalized cluster structure on the Drinfeld double of GLn”, Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 354:4 (2016), 345  crossref
  10. Anne-Sophie Gleitz, “Representations of Uq(Lsl2) at roots of unity and generalised cluster algebras”, European Journal of Combinatorics, 57 (2016), 94  crossref