13 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ejm12
Masatomo Sawahara, “Cylinders in canonical del Pezzo fibrations”, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2023, 1
Yuri Prokhorov, “Rationality of Fano threefolds with terminal Gorenstein singularities, II”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 72 (2023), 1797–1821
Mikhail Zaidenberg, “Central Weyl involutions on Fano–Mukai fourfolds of genus 10”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser, 72:6 (2023), 3277
Franc Forstnerič, “Recent developments on Oka manifolds”, Indagationes Mathematicae, 34:2 (2023), 367
Yuri Prokhorov, Mikhail Zaidenberg, “Affine cones over Fano–Mukai fourfolds of genus 10 are flexible”, Trends Math., 1 (2023), 363–383
I. V. Arzhantsev, Yu. I. Zaitseva, “Equivariant completions of affine spaces”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:4 (2022), 571–650
Yuri Prokhorov, Mikhail Zaidenberg, “Fano–Mukai fourfolds of genus 10 and their automorphism groups”, Eur. J. Math., 8:2 (2022), 561–572
Laurent Manivel, Vladimiro Benedetti, “On the Automorphisms of Hyperplane Sections of Generalized Grassmannians”, Transformation Groups, 2022
Thomas Dedieu, Laurent Manivel, “On the automorphisms of Mukai varieties”, Math. Z., 300:4 (2022), 3577
Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Karol Palka, “Completions of affine spaces into Mori fiber spaces with non‐rational fibers”, Journal of London Math Soc, 106:2 (2022), 1257