38 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/dan29524
P. Loshak, “Canonical perturbation theory via simultaneous approximation”, Russian Math. Surveys, 47:6 (1992), 57–133
L. D. Pustyl'nikov, “On oscillatory motions in a certain dynamical system”, Math. USSR-Izv., 31:2 (1988), 325–347
S. L. Ziglin, “Splitting of the separatrices and the nonexistence of first integrals in systems of differential equations of Hamiltonian type with two degrees of freedom”, Math. USSR-Izv., 31:2 (1988), 407–421
V. V. Kozlov, “Integrability and non-integrability in Hamiltonian mechanics”, Russian Math. Surveys, 38:1 (1983), 1–76
M. M. Khapaev, “Problems of stability in systems of ordinary differential equations”, Russian Math. Surveys, 35:1 (1980), 145–197
N. N. Nekhoroshev, “An exponential estimate of the time of stability of nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 32:6 (1977), 1–65
V. M. Alekseev, “Quasirandom dynamical systems. III. Quasirandom oscillations of one-dimensional oscillators”, Math. USSR-Sb., 7:1 (1969), 1–43
V. M. Alekseev, “Invariantnye markovskie podmnozhestva diffeomorfizmov”, UMN, 23:2(140) (1968), 209–210