16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/da478
  1. V. K. Leont'ev, “On measures of similarity and distances between objects”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 49:11 (2009), 1949–1965  mathnet  crossref  isi
  2. J. Appl. Industr. Math., 2:3 (2008), 341–356  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  3. J. Appl. Industr. Math., 3:1 (2009), 107–116  mathnet  crossref  zmath
  4. K. L. Rychkov, “Sufficient conditions for the existence of a graph with a given variety of balls”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 1:3 (2007), 380–385  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  5. T. I. Fedoryaeva, “Raznoobrazie sharov v metricheskikh prostranstvakh derevev”, Diskretn. analiz i issled. oper., ser. 1, ser. 1, 12:3 (2005), 74–84  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  6. T. I. Fedoryaeva, “Svoistvo metricheskogo prodolzheniya kratchaishikh tsepei v grafakh”, Diskretn. analiz i issled. oper., ser. 1, ser. 1, 11:4 (2004), 56–67  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib