16 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cstm2
  1. G. A. Popov, E. B. Yarovaya, “Aggregation of states of a branching random walk over multidimensional lattice”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2024, no. 1, 54–64  mathnet  mathnet  crossref
  2. G. A. Popov, E. B. Yarovaya, “Aggregation of states of a branching random walk over multidimensional lattice”, Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, Moscow University Måchanics Bulletin, 79:1 (2024), 60–70  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref
  3. Elena Filichkina, Elena Yarovaya, “Branching Random Walks with One Particle Generation Center and Possible Absorption at Every Point”, Mathematics, 11:7 (2023), 1676  crossref
  4. A. I. Rytova, “Harmonic Analysis of Branching Random Walks with Heavy Tails”, J Math Sci, 262:4 (2022), 514  crossref
  5. Anastasiia Rytova, Elena Yarovaya, “Survival analysis of particle populations in branching random walks”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50:10 (2021), 3031  crossref
  6. A. A. Aparin, G. A. Popov, E. B. Yarovaya, “On the sojourn time distribution of a random walk at a multidimensional lattice point”, Theory Probab. Appl., 66:4 (2022), 522–536  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref  scopus
  7. E. B. Yarovaya, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 358, Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis, 2021, 387  crossref
  8. Ekaterina Vl. Bulinskaya, “Catalytic branching random walk with semi-exponential increments”, Mathematical Population Studies, 28:3 (2021), 123  crossref
  9. E. Yarovaya, “Operator equations of branching random walks”, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab., 21:3 (2019), 1007–1021  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  10. E. Yarovaya, “Positive discrete spectrum of the evolutionary operator of supercritical branching walks with heavy tails”, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab., 19:4 (2017), 1151–1167  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus