29 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cm4
Laura Pertusi, Paolo Stellari, “Categorical Torelli theorems: results and open problems”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser, 72:5 (2023), 2949
Laura Pertusi, Ethan Robinett, “Stability conditions on Kuznetsov components of Gushel–Mukai threefolds and Serre functor”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 296:7 (2023), 2975
Alexander Perry, “The integral Hodge conjecture for two-dimensional Calabi–Yau categories”, Compositio Math., 158:2 (2022), 287
Nick Sheridan, Ivan Smith, “Homological mirror symmetry for generalized Greene–Plesser mirrors”, Invent. math., 224:2 (2021), 627
Lie Fu, Robert Laterveer, Charles Vial, “The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kähler varieties, II”, Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 8 (2021), 1065
Alexander Kuznetsov, “Derived categories of families of sextic del Pezzo surfaces”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2021:12 (2021), 9262–9339
Chunyi Li, Howard Nuer, Paolo Stellari, Xiaolei Zhao, “A refined derived Torelli theorem for Enriques surfaces”, Math. Ann., 379:3-4 (2021), 1475
Alexander Perry, “Hochschild cohomology and group actions”, Math. Z., 297:3-4 (2021), 1273
Salvatore Floccari, Lie Fu, Ziyu Zhang, “On the motive of O'Grady's ten-dimensional hyper-Kähler varieties”, Commun. Contemp. Math., 23:04 (2021), 2050034
Arend Bayer, Martí Lahoz, Emanuele Macrì, Howard Nuer, Alexander Perry, Paolo Stellari, “Stability conditions in families”, Publ.math.IHES, 133:1 (2021), 157