35 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cejm6
  1. Xuqiang Qin, “Compactification of the moduli space of minimal instantons on the Fano threefold $V_4$”, European Journal of Mathematics, 7:4 (2021), 1502  crossref
  2. V. Antonelli, F. Malaspina, “Instanton bundles on the Segre threefold with Picard number three”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 293:6 (2020), 1026  crossref
  3. Gianfranco Casnati, Ozhan Genc, “Instanton bundles on two Fano threefolds of index 1”, Forum Mathematicum, 32:5 (2020), 1315  crossref
  4. Mihai Halic, “Semi-stable vector bundles on fibred varieties”, European Journal of Mathematics, 4:4 (2018), 1297  crossref
  5. Alexander G. Kuznetsov, Yuri G. Prokhorov, Constantin A. Shramov, “Hilbert schemes of lines and conics and automorphism groups of Fano threefolds”, Jpn. J. Math., 13:1 (2018), 109–185  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  6. Gianfranco Casnati, Daniele Faenzi, Francesco Malaspina, “Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo fourfold of degree 6 and its general hyperplane section”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222:3 (2018), 585  crossref
  7. Simone Marchesi, Pedro Macias Marques, Helena Soares, “Monads on projective varieties”, Pacific J. Math., 296:1 (2018), 155  crossref
  8. Francesco Malaspina, “Monads and Qregularity of odd and even instantons bundles on quadric hypersurfaces”, J. Algebra Appl., 16:04 (2017), 1750080  crossref
  9. Laura Costa, Rosa M. Miró-Roig, Joan Pons-Llopis, Trends in the History of Science, From Classical to Modern Algebraic Geometry, 2016, 409  crossref
  10. Giangiacomo Sanna, “Small Charge Instantons and Jumping Lines on the Quintic del Pezzo Threefold”, Int Math Res Notices, 2016, rnw198  crossref