23 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/amse1
  1. Mário R. P. Silva, Robert S. Matos, Erveton P. Pinto, Samuel B. Santos, Michael D. S. Monteiro, Henrique D. da Fonseca Filho, Luiz E. Almeida, “Advanced Microtexture Evaluation of Dextran Biofilms Obtained from Low Cost Substrate Loaded with Maytenus rigida Extract”, Mat. Res., 24:4 (2021)  crossref
  2. Nikolai Leonenko, Vitalii Makogin, Mehmet Siddik Cadirci, “The entropy based goodness of fit tests for generalized von Mises-Fisher distributions and beyond”, Electron. J. Statist., 15:2 (2021)  crossref
  3. Alexander Bulinski, Alexey Kozhevin, “Statistical estimation of mutual information for mixed model”, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab., 23 (2021), 123–142  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  4. Igor Hernandes Gomes Marques, Robert Saraiva Matos, Yonny Romaguera-Barcelay, Ştefan Ţălu, Joaquim Agostinho Moreira, Abilio Almeida, Javier Perez de Cruz, Henrique Duarte da Fonseca Filho, Matjaz Valant, “Investigation of Stereometric and Fractal Patterns of Spin-Coated LuMnO3 Thin Films”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021 (2021), 1  crossref
  5. Y. Romaguera-Barcelay, A.S. Pedraça, J.A. Moreira, A. Almeida, P.B. Tavares, W.R. Brito, R.S. Matos, M.A. Pires, E.P. Pinto, H.D. da Fonseca Filho, “Evaluation of nanostructured BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 267 (2021), 115090  crossref
  6. Rezvan Rezaei, Gholamhossein Yari, “Keyfitz entropy: investigating some mathematical properties and its application for estimating survival function in life table”, Math Sci, 15:3 (2021), 229  crossref
  7. Alexander Bulinski, Denis Dimitrov, “Statistical estimation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence”, Mathematics, 9:5 (2021), 544–36  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
  8. Yonny Romaguera-Barcelay, Robert S. Matos, Aline S. Pedraça, Javier Perez de Cruz, Walter R. Brito, Rosane M.P.B. Oliveira, Henrique D.F. Filho, “Advanced spatial investigation of 3D nanoscale topography of DyMnO3 thin films”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 623 (2021), 413360  crossref
  9. Denis Dresvyanskiy, Tatiana Karaseva, Vitalii Makogin, Sergei Mitrofanov, Claudia Redenbach, Evgeny Spodarev, “Detecting anomalies in fibre systems using 3-dimensional image data”, Stat Comput, 30:4 (2020), 817  crossref
  10. Yanfei Liu, Cheng Chen, Dong Dong Yang, Qi Li, Xiujian Li, “Fast True Random Number Generator Based on Chaotic Oscillation in Self-Feedback Weakly Coupled Superlattices”, IEEE Access, 8 (2020), 182693  crossref