8 citations to 10.2298/YJOR130731040E (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Dogan Corus, Duc-Cuong Dang, Anton V. Eremeev, Per Kristian Lehre, “Level-Based Analysis of Genetic Algorithms and Other Search Processes”, IEEE Trans. Evol. Computat., 22, no. 5, 2018, 707  crossref
  2. Christian Blum, Maria J. Blesa, “Hybrid techniques based on solving reduced problem instances for a longest common subsequence problem”, Applied Soft Computing, 62, 2018, 15  crossref
  3. Anton V. Eremeev, “On Proportions of Fit Individuals in Population of Mutation-Based Evolutionary Algorithm with Tournament Selection”, Evolutionary Computation, 26, no. 2, 2018, 269  crossref
  4. Christian Blum, Anton Eremeev, Yulia Zakharova, “Hybridizations of evolutionary algorithms with Large Neighborhood Search”, Computer Science Review, 46, 2022, 100512  crossref
  5. Yu. V. Kovalenko, “On complexity of optimal recombination for flowshop scheduling problems”, J. Appl. Ind. Math., 10, no. 2, 2016, 220  crossref
  6. I. Davydov, Y. Kochetov, “VNS-based heuristic with an exponential neighborhood for the server load balancing problem”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 47, 2015, 53  crossref
  7. Julia Kovalenko, 1776, 2016, 050005  crossref
  8. I P Rozhnov, N T Avramchikova, O V Maslova, E V Lapunova, M A Bezrucov, “Digital technologies in the regional management information system”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1679, no. 3, 2020, 032004  crossref