59 citations to 10.4007/annals.2008.167.867 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Roger Casals, Emmy Murphy, “Legendrian fronts for affine varieties”, Duke Math. J., 168, no. 2, 2019  crossref
  2. Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Ian Shipman, “Autoequivalences of derived categories via geometric invariant theory”, Advances in Mathematics, 303, 2016, 1264  crossref
  3. Ludmil Katzarkov, 282, Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems, 2010, 163  crossref
  4. Kwokwai Chan, Naichung Conan Leung, “Mirror symmetry for toric Fano manifolds via SYZ transformations”, Advances in Mathematics, 223, no. 3, 2010, 797  crossref
  5. Lucio S. Cirio, Giovanni Landi, Richard J. Szabo, “Instantons and vortices on noncommutative toric varieties”, Rev. Math. Phys., 26, no. 09, 2014, 1430008  crossref
  6. Kwokwai Chan, “Homological Mirror Symmetry for Local Calabi-Yau Manifolds via SYZ”, Taiwanese J. Math., 21, no. 3, 2017  crossref
  7. Catherine Cannizzo, “Categorical mirror symmetry on cohomology for a complex genus 2 curve”, Advances in Mathematics, 375, 2020, 107392  crossref
  8. Kenji Fukaya, Yong-Geun Oh, Hiroshi Ohta, Kaoru Ono, “Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds, I”, Duke Math. J., 151, no. 1, 2010  crossref
  9. Andrew Harder, 240, Superschool on Derived Categories and D-branes, 2018, 139  crossref
  10. Paul Hacking, Ailsa Keating, “Homological mirror symmetry for log Calabi–Yau surfaces”, Geom. Topol., 26, no. 8, 2023, 3747  crossref